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Trusting in God and believing in each other,
we bring hope to His children in Nigeria.

The Raphael-Evelyn Education Foundation believes that education is the backbone for human development, self-reliance, and self-governance. With education being the aim of that directive, we endeavor to construct schools for the children of Nigeria. Through our establishment of educational opportunity in the region we strive to create conscientious generations of men and women able to govern themselves, and to create a promising future within their communities. As a result of our efforts, young people will be confident and secure in remaining in their homeland knowing they have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to lead productive and happy lives.


Established under the principles for catholic education and missionary evangelization, the Raphael-Evelyn Education Foundation is a nonprofit organization registered in the United States in the State of Louisiana. It is dedicated to the goal of championing the development of the youth of Nigeria through education so that a new generation of people endowed with skills and potentials for self-management and leadership may provide a restored hope for the society of Nigeria.


Who We Are


What We Do

Our schools model a holistic approach to education centered on the overall development of the individual, and focus on the social, moral and spiritual, emotional, physical, and intellectual wellbeing of every child.


We also strongly believe in leadership development that is centered on acquiring skills which support individual goals while contributing to the overall good of society, and that by focusing on such an education our students will develop the necessary skills to help promote the stabilization of Nigerian society, ensuring ongoing human development in the country.  For living and modeling servant leadership nurtures and inspires others in their commitment to a more peaceful and just world.



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Why We Do It


The Raphael-Evelyn Education Foundation's academic goals for Nigeria were set forth due to the high degrees of instability and poor socio-economic conditions in the region. People living in Nigeria today suffer from the effects of high poverty levels, rampant unemployment, poor health care, and little government aid. To achieve meaningful human development in the region, we believe that access to ongoing quality eduction is essential.  


Despite education being a crucial factor in the betterment of the region, most families in Nigeria do not have adequate and reliable access to good schools, and as such, citizens are unable to live productive and stable lives. Schools in Nigeria today are afflicted by interruption from constant political upheaval, inconsistent funding, the effects of wealth inequality, deteriorating infrastructure, overcrowding, and very scarce resources. In order for meaningful changes to be made for the people of Nigeria we must dedicate ourselves to the improvement of their educational environments, so that the children of the next generation may develop the skills necessary to achieve personal development and advancement opportunities, both for themselves as well as for their communities. 









"Christians should collaborate willingly and wholeheartedly in establishing an international order involving genuine respect for all freedoms and amicable brotherhood between all men. The objective is all the more pressing since the greater part of the world is still suffering from so much poverty that it is as if Christ Himself were crying out in these poor to beg that charity of the disciples."


- Second Vatican Council, Gaudium et Spes




Building Futures Educating Leaders

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